Dr. David Martin

List of International Publications & Presentations

A 'Long, Tight' Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Is Safe, Effective And Improves Quality Of Life In An Elderly Population
G. D. Macaulay, M. Kandasamy, D. Martin. Abstract Dig Dis Fed. UK, June 2015.

Gastroesophageal reflux in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: hiatal findings and their management influence outcome. A.
Lyon, MBCh.B., S.C. Gibson, MBCh.B., K. De-loyde, B.Sc., D. Martin, M.B.B.S.; Published Online: www.soard.org, In press. SurgObesRelat Dis 2015

Laparoscopic Partial Sleeve Gastrectomy with fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux and delayed gastric emptying.
Phil LePage. David Martin. In Press World J of Surg. Feb 2015

The efficacy of bariatric surgery for obese subjects with co-morbidities in the public sector.
Natalie M Lukas, Janet Franklin, Crystal Lee, Craig Taylor, David Martin, Nic Kormas, Ian D Caterson, Tania Markovic Med J Aust 2014; 201 (4): 218-222.

Gastroesophageal reflux in laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy: hiatal findings and their management influence outcome. A.
Lyon, MBCh.B., S.C. Gibson, MBCh.B., K. De-loyde, B.Sc., D. Martin, M.B.B.S.; Published Online: www.soard.org, In press. SurgObesRelat Dis 2015

Laparoscopic Partial Sleeve Gastrectomy with fundoplication for gastroesophageal reflux and delayed gastric emptying.
Phil LePage. David Martin. In Press World J of Surg. Feb 2015

A 'Long, Tight' Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy Is Safe, Effective And Improves Quality Of Life In An Elderly Population
G. D. Macaulay, M. Kandasamy, D. Martin. Abstract Dig Dis Fed UK June 2015

Is the Long tight sleeve a valid option for the Super Obese?
Dr. Mayooran Kandasamy, Dr David Links, Dr Alison Lyon, Dr David Martin. ANZJS Volume 84 Issue (May 2014) DOI: 10.1111/ans.12605 (p 1-6)

Endoscopic interventional techniques for the management of acute leaks and chronic sinuses after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy (LSG) – tricks and tips.
Dr David Links, Sr Victoria Cran, Dr Guillermo Becerril, Dr David Martin. ANZJS Volume 84 Issue (May 2014) DOI:10.1111/ans.12605 (p 1-6)

Reflux Post Obesity Surgery.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. ASC RASC. Singapore. ANZJS Volume 84 Issue (May 2014) DOI: 10.1111/ans.12605 (p 1-6)

New Surgical and Non-Surgical Options for Obesity.
D Martin. Presentation. IWSML Conference. Concord March 2014

Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy post Gastric Band. Video.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Sydney Upper GI Surgical Society Annual Conference. The Failed Band. Sydney Nov 2013

Revisional Bariatrics in Australia.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Sydney Upper GI Surgical Society Annual Conference. The Failed Band. Sydney Nov 2013

How I Do It – Advanced Upper GI Laparoscopy for Cancer, Reflux and Bariatrics.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Dept. of Surgery, University of Dresden. Germany. Sept 2013

Symptoms of GORD and GORD related quality of life improve post sleeve gastrectomy: A prospective cohort study with 6 months follow-up.
Le Page P, Wang J, Taylor C, Martin D, Gibson S. Br J Surg. 2013;100 (Suppl. 8):3.

Surgical versus endoscopic treatment of bile duct stones.
Dasari BV1, Tan CJ, Gurusamy KS, Martin DJ, Kirk G, McKie L, Diamond T, Taylor MA. Cochrane Database Syst Rev. 2013 Sep 3;9:CD003327.

How I Do It – Video. Hiatal Management in Sleeve Gastrectomy.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. ASC RACS Auckland May 2013

Selective fixation of the hiatus in sleeve gastrectomy.
D Martin A Lyon, K De-Loyde, S. Gibson. ASC Auckland May 2013. Free Paper. ANZJS Abst May 2013

Laparoscopic Partial sleeve gastrectomy with hiatus hernia repair for reflux in the setting of delayed gastric emptying.
R Furtado, P Lepage, D Martin. International Society Diseases Esophagus Assoc – Australian Meeting. Melb Feb 2013

Hiatal Management and its effects on Reflux Oesophagitis in Sleeve Gastrectomy.
S Gibson. A Lyon. D Martin. British Obesity & Metabolic Surgery Society Annual Meeting. Glasgow Jan 2013

Role of the Nuclear Medicine Isotope Scan in the assessment of Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: A predictor of Surgical Outcome.
Mendis R. Martin D. ASOHNS Meeting Perth. March 2013

Pre And Post-Op GERD With Routine Repair Of Hiatal Weakness With A Long Tight Sleeve (<30Fr).
D Martin. A Lyon. S Gibson. K De-Loyde. Faculty Session.4th Annual International Consensus Summit for Sleeve Gastrectomy. New York December 2012

Minimizing Problems And Maximizing Outcomes With A Long Tight Sleeve.
D Martin.  Faculty Session.4th Annual International Consensus Summit for Sleeve Gastrectomy. New York December 2012

Pancreatic Surgery: beyond the limits.
Muller SA, Taratino I, Martin DJ, Schmied BM. Recent Results Cancer Res, 2012; 196:53-64.

Reflux, The Hiatus And The Extended Sleeve. QAL 263.
D Martin Invited Speaker ANZGOSA / SUGSS Conference. Sydney. Sept 2012

Oesophageal Fixation for Hiatus Hernia Repair.
R Mendis. D Martin. ANZGOSA / SUGSS Conference. Sydney. Sept 2012

Thoracopscopic and Laparoscopic Large Oesophageal Leiomyomas.
W Beasley D Martin Video Ptn. ANZGOSA / SUGSS Conference. Sydney. Sept 2012

Coping with newly diagnosed upper gastrointestinal cancer: A longitudinal
qualitative study of family caregivers’ post-surgical information and support needs
J Shaw, Harrison, Sandroussi, Martin, Storey, Solomon. ANZGOSA / SUGSS Conference. Sydney. Sept 2012

Outcomes with the long tight sleeve.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Bledisloe Obesity Conference. Auckland NZ. Aug 2012

Renal Tumours and secondary primary pancreatic tumours: a relationship with a clinical impact.
Mueller. Pahernik, Hinz, Martin et al. Pat Saf Surg. 2012 Aug 8;6(1):18

Obesity Surgery; The Options.
D Martin Invited Speaker 2012 ASEANZ Cardiovascular & Metabolic Forum June 2012

Laparoscopic Giant Leiomyoma Oesophagus.
S Abbas, R Leong, D Martin.
Accepted; Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology. Jan 2012

Post-operative improvement in HbA1c and resolution of diabetes and medical co-morbidities following laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding and laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy.
Clements K, Gibson S, Taylor C, Martin D. Poster. Annual OSSANZ Meeting Darwin May 2012

The Extended Sleeve Gastrectomy How I do it and Outcomes.
D Martin Invited Speaker National Sleeve Consortium. Brisbane Feb 2012

How to Treat; Gastric &Oeosphageal Cancer.
Martin D. Gibson S. Invited Manuscript. Australian Doctor. 15th Feb 2012

Surgical Management of Obesity.
D Martin Invited Speaker 3rd Annual CVS and Endocrinology Masterclass Nov 2011 Melbourne

Single-Incision Laparoscopic Cholecystectomy with Routine Intraoperative Cholangiography and Common Bile Duct Exploration via the Umbilical port.
D Yeo. S Mackay. D Martin. Surgical Endoscopy: Volume 26, Issue 4 (2012), Page 1122-1127

Long term nutritional status and quality of life following major upper gastrointestinal surgery - A cross-sectional study.
Carey S, Storey D, Biankin AV, Martin D, Young J, Allman-Farinelli M. Clin Nutr. 2011 Jun 30

Vascular Resection for Pancreatic Cancer.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Combined SUGSS and Australasian Pancreatic Club Annual Meeting. Sydney Oct 2011.

SILS Cholecystectomy with Routine Cholangiography and CBD Exploration.
D Yeo. S Mackay. D Martin. (abstract) HPB vol 13 Supp 3 Oct 2011

Pain Relief in Advanced Pancreatic Cancer.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Melb Sept 2011 Asian HPBA Conf (abstract) HPB vol 13 Supp 3 Oct 2011

Chronic Pancreatitis; Resection vs Bypass.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Melb Sept 2011 Asian HPBA Conf (abstract) HPB vol 13 Supp 3 Oct 2011

Obesity Surgery.
D Martin. Invited Speaker
Boden Institute Obesity Workshops Sydney 2011.

Management of Obesity; Beyond Diets.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. ASEANZ CVS and Metabolic Forum. Melb June 2011

Surgery for Chronic Pancreatitis.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Adelaide May 2011 ASC RACS (abstract) ANZJS Supp May 2011

On the road to single-site laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding: lessons learned from 60 cases.
Koh CE, Martin DJ, Cavallucci DJ, Becerril-Martinez G, Taylor CJ. Surg Endosc. 2011 Mar;25(3):947-53

Single Incision Obesity Surgery.
D Martin C Koh. C Taylor. OSSANZ Meeting. Hobart Nov 2010.

Improving psychosocial outcomes for cancer carers: An interview study.
Shaw, Young, Harrison, Butow, Sandroussi, Martin, Solomon. Clinical Oncology Society of Australia 37th Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 9-11 November 2010

Laparoscopic Surgery for the Difficult Endoscopic GIST.
D Martin. Invited Speaker ANZGOSA Meeting Queenstown NZ Sept 2010.

SILS Cholecystectomy with IOC CBD Exploration.
D Yeo. S Mackay. D Martin. Poster ANZHBPA Meeting Queenstown NZ Sept 2010.

Extended Sleeve Gastrectomy for Obesity.
D Cavalucci. D Martin. Poster ANZGOSA Meeting Queenstown NZ Sept 2010.

Translating evidence into practice: the use of neo-adjuvant chemo-radiation followed by surgery in the treatment of localised resectable oesophageal adenocarcinomas at the Sydney Cancer Centre.
Chen, Hruby G, Tse R, Martin D, Beale P, Grimison P. Story D. Clinical Oncology Society of Australia 37th Annual Scientific Meeting, Melbourne, 9-11 November 2010

The Coeliac Node in Oesophageal Cancer.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Perth May 2010 ASC RACS (abstract) ANZJS Supp May 2010

Sleeve Gastrectomy Outcomes.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Annual Sydney Upper GI Surgical Society Meeting. Sydney Mar 2010

International Sleeve Gastrectomy Consortium Consensus Statement and Review.
D Martin Invited Speaker. ANZ Sleeve Gastrectomy Meeting. Sydney Nov 2009

Chyle Leak in Oesophageal Cancer.
D Martin. Combined ANZGOSA / Aust Gastrointestinal Week. Sydney October 2009

Single Incision Surgery. Review and Personal Experience.
D Martin. Invited Speaker. Annual Sydney Upper GI Surgical Society Meeting. Sydney Sept 2009

Obesity Surgery – Outcomes and Aspects for Pregnancy and Fertility.
D Martin. Invited speaker. Australian Fertility Clinical Update. Sydney Sept 2009

60 Single Incision Laparoscopic Adjustable Bands.
C Koh, C Taylor, D Martin. Perth May 2010 ASC RACS (abstract) ANZJS Supp May 2010

Pancreatic resection – Pushing the Boundaries.
D Martin. RACS Annual Scientific Meeting Brisbane May 2009. ANZJS Suppl. May 2009

Anastomotic Techniques for Oesophagectomy.
D Martin. International Society for Diseases of Oesophagus – Australian Chapter. Qld Feb 2009.

Evidenced based vascular resection for pancreatic carcinoma.
D Martin. Conjoint Scientific Meeting Hong Kong May 2008. ANZJS Suppl. May 2008.

Post-Pancreatectomy Bleeding – a Meta-analysis and New Classification.
Martin D, Gutt C, Büchler MW. Conjoint Scientific Meeting Hong Kong May 2008. ANZJS Suppl. May 2008.

Histological Staging and Clinical Relevance for Gastric Cancer.
D Martin. ANZGOSA & Clinical Oncological Society of Australia. Nov 08

Flow Chart For The Treatment Of Common Bile Duct Stones and Critical Comparison Of Techniques.
D Martin & I Martin. Book Chapter in Biliary Lithiasis: Basic Science & Current Diagnostic & Therapeutic Approaches.  ED. G Borzellino& C Cordiano. Springer Italy 2008

Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. The Pathophysiology, Diagnosis, Management & Outcome of Heamorrhage Post Pancreatectomy.
Martin DJ, Gutt C. Friess H, Büchler M. Sydney Upper GI Surgical Society meeting 2008 Sydney

Vascular Resection in Pancreatic Cancer Surgery: Survival Determinants.
Müller SA, Hartel M, Mehrabi A, Welsch T, Martin DJ, Hinz U, Schmied BM, Büchler MW. J Gastrointest Surg. 2009 Apr;13(4):784-92.

Outcome of Laparoscopic Massive Hiatus Hernia (MHH) repair Kelty CJ, Marasovic KM, Martin DJ, Falk GL.
Assoc Upper GI Surg, Cardiff, Sept 2007.British Journal of Surgery 2007; 94(Suppl 5):9.

Prognostic influence of invaded lymph nodes to number of nodes resected after en bloc lymphadenectomy in oesophageal carcinoma.
Kelty CJ, Martin DJ, Dent OF, Falk GL Assoc Upper GI Surg, Cardiff, Sept 2007. British Journal of Surgery 2007; 94(Suppl 5):10.

Natural History following laparoscopic repair of Massive Hiatus Hernia.
Kelty CJ, Marasovic KM, Martin DJ, Falk GL. SAGES (Society of American GIT and Endoscopic Surgeons) Philadelphia. April 2008. Surgical Endoscopy, 2008; 22: S260

Natural History of Massive Hiatus Hernia after laparoscopic repair.
Falk GL, Marasovic KM, Martin DJ, Kelty CJ. 11th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Yokohama, Japan, September 2008

Ratio of metastatic nodes to total nodes prognostic in oesophageal carcinoma.
Falk GL, Martin DJ, Dent OF, Kelty CJ 11th World Congress of Endoscopic Surgery, Yokohama, Japan, September 2008

The ratio of metastic lymph nodes to total number of nodes resected is prognostic for survival after en bloc lymphadenectomy in oesophageal carcinoma.
Kelty CJ, Martin DJ, Dent OF, Falk GL.  SAGES (Society of American Gastrointestinal and Endoscopic Surgeons) Philadelphia. April 2008. Surgical Endoscopy, 2008; 22: S261

Long-term outcomes after laparoscopic bile duct exploration:
a 5-year follow up of 150 consecutive patients. Campbell-Lloyd AJ, Martin DJ, Martin IJ. ANZ J Surg. 2008 Jun;78(6):492-4

Long-term follow-up of a randomized clinical trial comparing Beger with pylorus-preserving Whipple procedure for chronic pancreatitis.
Müller MW, Friess H, Martin DJ, Hinz U, Dahmen R, Büchler MW. Br J Surg. 2008 Mar;95(3):350-

How to increase inflow in liver transplatation.
Muller S, Schmied B, Welsch T, Martin D, Schemmer P, Mehrabi A, Weitz J, Buchler M, Schmidt J. Clin Transplant. 2006;20Suppl 17:85-92.

Does systematic 2-field lymphadenectomy for esophageal malignancy offer a survival advantage? Results from 178 consecutive patients.
Martin DJ, Church NG, Kennedy CW, Falk GL. Dis Esophagus. 2008;21(7):612-8.

Factors influencing survival after bypass procedures in patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinomas.
Müller MW, Friess H, Köninger J, Martin D, et al Büchler MW. Am J Surg. 2008 Feb;195(2):221-8

EnblocOesophagectomy; Is there Evidence to Support its Routine Use?
David Martin. (Invited Speaker) International Society for Diseases of Oesophagus – Australian Chapter.SA Feb 2007.

Resectability Criteria for Pancreatic Cancer – Approach of the European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer
M Wente, DJ Martin, Neoptolemos, Padbury, Bassi, Büchler et al ESPAC Steering Committee. 26th Feb 2006 Meeting ESPAC Manchester and Publication (accepted) in Digestive Surgery.

Cochrane Review; Surgical vs Endoscopic Treatment of Bile Duct Stones.
D Martin, D Vernon, J Toouli. Copenhagen Trial Unit, Cochrane Hepato-Biliary Group, Denmark. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. 2006 Apr 19;(2):CD003327.

The Techniques of Duodenum Preserving Pancreatic Head Resection in the Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis.
Muller MW, Dahmen RP, Koninger J, Di Sebastiano P, Martin D, Buchler MW, Friess H. ChirurgiaItaliana. 2006 May-Jun;58(3):273-83
Factors influencing survival after bypass procedures in patients with advanced pancreatic adenocarcinomas.
Michael W. Müller, Jörg Köninger, Moritz Wente, David Martin, Jörg Kleeff, Markus W. Büchler, Helmut Friess. Department of General Surgery, University of Heidelberg, Germany. In Press Am J Surg 2006 September

How to increase inflow in liver transplantation.
Muller SA, Schmied BM, Welsch T, Martin DJ, Schemmer P, Mehrabi A, Weitz J, Buchler MW, Schmidt J. Clin Transplant 2006: 20: 85–92

Leadership Characteristics and Business Management in Modern Academic Surgery.
Buchler P, Martin D, Knaebel HP, Buchler MW. Langenbecks Archives of Surgery. 2006 Apr;391(2):149-56. Epub 2006 Mar 30

Lymphadenectomy for Oesophageal Cancer – Predictors of Survival.
GL Falk, DJ Martin. Concord Hospital Sydney. OESO 8th World Conference France. Sept 2006

Does Systematic 2 Field Lymphadenectomy for Oesophageal Malignancy Offer a Survival Advantage? Results from 178 Consecutive Patients Compared with Current Literature
DJ Martin, G Falk. ASC (abstr) ANZJS Supp 1 May 2006.
Awarded Best original paper in Gastrointestinal Surgery at the Australasian Surgical Conference (GSA and the International Society for Digestive Surgery) 2006.

Beger procedure versus ppWhipple in chronic pancreatitis: 14 year long-term follow-up of a randomized controlled trial.
Michael W. Müller MD, Hans G. Beger MD; Klaus Buttenschön, MD, David Martin MD, Markus W. Büchler, MD, Helmut Friess, MD. University of Heidelberg, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany. Sent for publication following reviewer adjustments BJS Mar 2007.

Multicentre RCT of Palliative Chemotherapy for Pancreatic Cancer. Gemcitabine vs Exatecan.
Helmut Friess, David Martin et al In Review J. of Clinical Oncology 2006

Management Qualifications for Academic Surgeons in the Future: What We Can Learn from Business Administration?
Buchler P, Martin D, Buchler MW. Cirugía Española 2006 May;79(5):274-82. Spanish

Thoracoscopic and Laparoscopic Oesophagectomy – Initial Experience and Outcomes
D Martin, D Watson et al. FMC Surgical Endoscopy. 2005 Dec;19(12):1597-601. Epub 2005 Oct 17.

Meta-analysis of the Rx of CBD Stones. Surg. vs ERCP: A Cochrane Review.
D Martin, D Vernon, J Toouli. Poster International Hepatobiliary Pancreatic Association. Sept 2006 Edinburgh UK. HPB Journal Sept 06

Robot-Assisted Oesophageal Resection for Oesophageal Cancer: First experiences in an Academic Oncology Unit
Martin D, Gutt C.N., et al Uni Heidelberg International Society Diseases Esophagus Feb 2006. Adelaide

Does Radical 2 Field Lymphadenectomy for Oesophagectomy Improve Survival? Results of 178 Patients and Review of the Literature.
Martin DJ, Falk GL et al Poster International Society Diseases Esophagus Feb 2006. Adelaide

Duodenum Preserving Pancreatic Head Resection for the Treatment of Chronic Pancreatitis.
Martin DJ Büchler MW. et al ASC (abstr) ANZJS Supp 1 May 2006.

Endoscopic Versus Surgical Management of Common Bile Duct Stones.
D Martin, D Vernon, J Toouli. Cochrane HBP Copenhagen TU. Poster (abstr) ASC ANZJS Supp 1 May 2006.

Laparoscopic Anti-Reflux Surgery for Laryngopharyngeal Reflux: Short Term Results
N.G. Church, D.J. Martin, G.L Free Paper ASC RACS- (abstract) ANZJS Supp May 2005

Australian Lymphadenectomy for Oesophageal Cancer – Extended 2 Field Lymphadenectomy – Technique, Evidence and Results from 151 Patients D Martin, G Falk ISDEAS) Sydney Nov 2004

Laparoscopic Pancreatic Surgery.
David Martin. (invited speaker) Annual Sydney Upper GI Society Meeting. Sydney. March 2007.

Minimally Invasive Oesophagectomy – Relevance to Current Literature.
D Martin, J Bessel, D Watson. FMC, South Australia. ISDEAS Sydney Nov 2004

Laparoscopic and ThoracoscopicOesophagectomy – Video Presentation & Results of 36 Cases.
D Martin, D Watson.et al 2004 ASC RACS 2004 ASC (abstract) ANZJS Supp May 2004

Neoadjuvant Treatment of Pancreatic Adenocarcinoma – Overview and Results of a Phase 2 Trial Gencitabine, IVI 5FU & XRT
D Martin, L Nathanson, I Martin.et al ASC May 2003 (Abstract) ANZJS 2003

Cystic Lesions of the Pancreas; The Brisbane Experience.
David Martin, Ian Martin 6th Annual Coolum Update In Gastroenterology and Hepatology June 2002 Coolum Queensland

Cystic Neoplasms of The Pancreas 30 cases of cystic neoplasms – diagnostic features of history and radiology. Including blinded radiological comparison with Pseudocysts.
D Martin, L Medora, S Jeavons, I Martin. Centenary Oncology Conf. Brisbane 2001

Common Bile Duct Injury.
Robert Padbury, David Martin. Annual General Surgical Conference Queen Elizabeth Hospital Adelaide March 2003

Subglottic Stenosis: An unusual presentation of ACE Inhibitor induced Angioedema
Martin DJ, Grigg RG, Tomkinson A, Coman ENT PAH. ANZJS 1999 April; 69 (4): 320-1

Laparoscopic Management of SMA Syndrome: 3 Cases
Das, D.J. Martin, and G.L Falk Department of Surgery, University of Sydney Poster ASC RACS - Perth May 2005



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